Villa Sonnen­berg

The 250-year-old Villa Sonnen­berg was once the country estate, family home, restaurant and resid­ence of the composer Peter Mieg. It was modern­ised in 1914 and has recently been completely renov­ated. During this process, several treas­ures at the house were revealed ...



The Gardens and Natural Springs

The garden is enig­matic and dreamy. Designed around 1900, it was created in the style of a country garden. Take a stroll and discover various scenes and settings, just like in a film. The most treas­ured feature is the spring water that flows from the depths of the Goffers­berg.

PDF Lenzburger Neujahrsblätter


Art Book

Over the course of four years, Villa Sonnen­berg was slowly awakened from its slumber and extens­ively renov­ated. Photo­grapher and artist Anja Karo­lina Furrer went in search of impres­sions with her camera long before excav­ators and cranes domin­ated the site. The result is a book full of visual poetry that includes a contri­bu­tion by Chris­toph Moser on the history of the resid­ents of Sonnen­berg.

Buying: 40.-: Book­shop Otz, Museum Burghade

PDF Book­flyer

Found­a­tion Villa Sonnen­berg

Villa Sonnen­berg is one of the most valu­able cultural assets in Switzer­land. Both the building and  garden are protected by the canton and the federal govern­ment. The found­a­tion is committed to preserving the histor­ical monu­ment and bringing it to life to the benefit and enjoy­ment of the public. For this reason, we operate a cultural guest house in Villa Sonnen­berg and promote inter­na­tional art and cultural exchange with an "Artist in Resid­ence" programme. The artistic work of our studio guests is given new impetus and the oppor­tunity to develop further at Villa Sonnen­berg.

Found­a­tion Board

Many Thanks

Swisslos-Fonds des Kantons Aargau
Kanton Aargau
Schweizerische Eidgen­os­senschaft
Ernst Göhner Stif­tung
Stif­tung Dr. Hans Dietschi
Stif­tung Pro Arte Domus
Stif­tung Claire und Ernst Wegmann-Hanhart
Stadt Lenzburg
Peter Mieg Stif­tung
Aargauer Kurat­orium
Hypo­thekar­bank Lenzburg
Kromer Print AG
SWL Energie AG