Art Book "Sonnen¬berg"
Anja Furrer: " I was already documenting the villa, which I know from my childhood, in the first months of the renovation. I observed the place as an artist and explored it with my camera, as I was fascinated by the history of the villa, as revealed in the empty rooms and building structures, in the remnants and layers of wallpaper. Over weeks and months, I visited the house many times and recorded the emerging metamorphosis of the place. I did this primarily for myself, out of my own interest and artistic motivation. During discussions with Christine von Arx, I also became aware of the historical and emotional value of the photographs. Together we decided to turn the pictures into a photo book and an exhibition. In this way, Villa Sonnenberg and its history can be made visually accessible to the general public. The house has important local historical significance and is also a building of national importance that can tell us a lot about our time, about the way the past is dealt with and also our view of the future."
Anja Karolina Furrer
Grew up in Lenzburg and now lives and works as a photographer, graphic designer and artist in Basel. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication from the University of Art and Design in Basel and a Master of Arts in Photography from the École Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne. She uses the medium of photography to work on documentary and artistic projects, often in the form of books or exhibitions.
Book: CHF 40.-
Available from the book shop Otz, Lenzburg and Museum Burghalde, Lenzburg