Anja Furrer
Anja Furrer
Anja Furrer
Anja Furrer

Art Book "Sonnen¬berg"

Anja Furrer: " I was already docu­menting the villa, which I know from my child­hood, in the first months of the renov­a­tion. I observed the place as an artist and explored it with my camera, as I was fascin­ated by the history of the villa, as revealed in the empty rooms and building struc­tures, in the remnants and layers of wall­paper. Over weeks and months, I visited the house many times and recorded the emer­ging meta­morph­osis of the place. I did this primarily for myself, out of my own interest and artistic motiv­a­tion. During discus­sions with Christine von Arx, I also became aware of the histor­ical and emotional value of the photo­graphs. Together we decided to turn the pictures into a photo book and an exhib­i­tion. In this way, Villa Sonnen­berg and its history can be made visu­ally access­ible to the general public. The house has important local histor­ical signi­fic­ance and is also a building of national import­ance that can tell us a lot about our time, about the way the past is dealt with and also our view of the future."

Anja Karo­lina Furrer

Grew up in Lenzburg and now lives and works as a photo­grapher, graphic designer and artist in Basel. She has a Bach­elor of Arts in Visual Commu­nic­a­tion from the Univer­sity of Art and Design in Basel and a Master of Arts in Photo­graphy from the École Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne. She uses the medium of photo­graphy to work on docu­mentary and artistic projects, often in the form of books or exhib­i­tions.

Book: CHF 40.-

Avail­able from  the book shop Otz, Lenzburg and  Museum Burg­halde, Lenzburg

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