Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips
Lorna Phillips

September bis November 2024: Lorna Phil­lips, Schott­land

"My research-based prac­tice exca­vates traces of mate­rial culture and social history by jour­neying into the biogra­phies of the land. Acts of collec­ting and re-distri­bu­ting are led by an urge to discover my surroun­dings. The mate­rial of clay provides the path into the lands­cape and what it holds. My prac­tice spans sculp­ture, drawing, lmma­king, photo­graphy and pain­ting. I intend to delve into the stories that certain places hold; within their commu­ni­ties and their long histo­ries, and within the land itself, its forma­tion. These stories are disco­vered through archaeo­logy, heri­tage and geology. The sour­cing of the mate­rials that form the works, the physical jour­neys involved in this process are key to my prac­tice. My rela­ti­on­ship to clay has come from a personal afnity to the mate­rial and to craft. My inte­rest in clay is anchored in its use as both an expres­sive and func­ti­onal mate­rial. My rela­ti­on­ship to this mate­rial has grown to allow an under­stan­ding of connec­tion between people and their land, forming an expres­sion of the earth that supports us as being our inhe­ri­tance and so our foun­da­tion, our begin­ning and our end."

Lorna Phil­lips studierte von 2017 bis 2021 Bild­hau­erei am Edin­burgh College of Art und an der Estni­schen Akademie der Künste in Tallinn. Sie wurde kürzlich mit dem Houli­ston Craft Award und dem Glen­fiddich Resi­dency Award ausge­zeichnet. Mit ihren Werken war sie an Grup­pe­n­ausstel­lungen in Schott­land, Slowe­nien und Estland vertreten. Ihre erste Einzelausstel­lung "100 Cups" real­sierte sie in der Vent Space Gallery, Tallinn, Estland.


